Sunday, October 25, 2015

Pack meeting with a small pack

I am my son's Cubmaster. We are small pack. So for the sake of having fun, we have all Pack Den meetings. It IS challenging to find a way to ensure that boys make rank, have fun and make sure that everyone from a 1st grader to a 5th grader will understand it and not have it go over their head (or under their feet either). I did this last year with the old requirements. I am now starting to do that with the new Requirements. 
I have had a few meeting already this year and they seem to be well received, although my son is done with Cub Scouts and wants to move on to Boy Scouts! (Patience!) 

So here it is, the All Pack Den meeting! I think I will try to put up my weekly meetings. Hopefully they can help

Den meeting 10-28: Forms of Communication
(1-1.5 hour meeting)
Gathering Activity #1: 6-:15-6:30
Crack the Code, Part I
 -Make a message of your choosing using a code you have found or thought up. As the boys come, have the boys figure out what the code is! Make the code simpleish.
Opening: 6:30-6:35
Pledge and Oath
Activity #2: 6:35-6:50
Crack the Code, Part II
Alphabet sheet
Blank story sheet
-          - Hand out a sheet with the alphabet on it and a blank sheet. Have the boys spend about 10 mins   making a special code.
-          -   Have them write a short 5-6 word sentence using their code.
-          - Then have them trade codes and messages with other scouts. Have those scouts crack the code.
Activity #3 6:50-7:05
Braille alphabet (attached)
Copy of the scout or Motto
Index cards
White school glue (not stick form, liquid form)
-          - Have the boys try and ‘write’ their name in Braille.
-          - Discuss with them that this is the way blind people ‘read’
-          - There is a special machine that helps blind people write in braille (similar to a typewriter, but instead of words in printed form, it writes the words in Braille
-         -  Ask the boys to think of 2 different places where Braille is (elevators, hospitals, ATM Machines(!))
-          - If there is time, have them work together and write the Scout Motto in Braille
Activity #4 7:05-7:20
Sign Language alphabet 
Pledge sign Language
-          - Have the boys look at the signs and see if they can sign their names.
-          - Also have them learn the Pledge. You could make this an activity that can be sent home. Have a boy sign the pledge at every meeting.
Activity #5 7:20-7:35
A sample mid lib
A fill in the blank mad lib
-          - Have the boys work in teams, make sure there is an even distribution of age.
-         -  Each team needs to fill out the mad lib.
-          - After they have created the story, have the other team fill in the blanks
- (use this time to give out information to parents, answer questions etc.)
Closing and Clean up 7:35-8:??
-          - Have the boys help with clean up. Be sure to wipe off table that may have glue
-          - Gather all the boys projects
-          - Discuss that even with barriers, people can communicate.
-          -  Den yell

Tiger Elective: Curiosity, Intrigue and Magical Mysteries 4,5,6
Wolf Required: Howling at the moon  1,2
Bear Elective: Roaring Laughter  3
WEBELOS/AOL Elective: Aware and Care 7e

Hello! I am glad you stumbled upon my humble blogsite! I AM an average mom. I work too much for too little. I have 2 kids who, while active are not in EVERYTHING! We live on a strict budget and I am tired ALL THE TIME. I know depressing, but what we do have we worked hard and what we do, do we are committed to.

I originally started this blog years ago to try out new recipes, but never kept up with it. I, however, realized that while scrolling through other social media, there are A LOT of people wanting to know where can I find this or that for scouts, what can I have for dinner besides this again, etc. I also was searching for info and realized I was going to 5-10 different sites to find 1 thing. This is the outcome. A humble blog: thoughts, links, plans, menus, etc.